Greenspaces strategy to 2050

We recently consulted on a draft Greenspaces Vision and Strategy for Edinburgh to 2050. You can click through to read here. The consultation ran from 4 October 2022 until 31 December 2022.

Based on what people have told us since 2020, and work across the many themes of the whole Thriving Greenspaces project, we have drafted "Edinburgh’s Thriving Greenspaces 2050”. It is a vision and strategy for the Council's parks, gardens, natural places and amenity spaces.

You can see and download the draft document at the following link:

You can also give us your views at

The online consultation ran until 31 December 2022.  

We plan for the draft strategy to be considered by the Culture and Communities Committee in early 2023.

A shorter plain text version of selections from the draft strategy is at the following link.

Strategy draft for consultation – Thriving Greenspaces 

The draft strategy builds on development, discussions, experiments, and pilot projects since late 2019 that many people and organisations have been involved in. If this has included you, thank you again.

The draft strategy in a few sentences:

Our Vision for 2050 is “Greenspaces that are at the heart of our communities and help make Edinburgh an outstanding city for wellbeing, quality of life and heritage.”

The 4 themes of the strategy are: “Greenspaces that are connected, thriving, valued and resourced.”

The consultation document outlines in detail:

  • what this means
  • how it can be bedded in through a phased approach
  • the different elements involved
  • what we think success would look like.

Happy to translate:

You can get this consultation document on audio CD, in Braille, large print if you ask us. Please contact Interpretation and Translation Service (ITS) on and quote reference number 22-7659. ITS can also give information on community language translations.

Published: 5th January 2023