Latest news
Edinburgh's City Plan 2030
The City of Edinburgh Council has adopted the City Plan 2030, an important framework that will guide the city's future development, sustainability, and environmental goals over the next decade.
Leith Links Activity Hub Consultation
Our consultation on proposals for the Activity Hub at Leith Links has now closed. See the results.
Nature Volunteering Events
We are organising a series of nature volunteering events in partnership with The Conservation Volunteers. Events start from the 12th of September 2023!
Linking Leith's Parks Consultation
Our consultation for the designs of our Linking Leith's Parks project has now closed. See the results.
June Events for Linking Leith's Parks!
Come along and have your say on plans for parks in Leith! These events are part of the Edinburgh Nature Network.
Regenerating Inch Park
In 2022 we sought views on our masterplan for regenerating Inch Park, and bid for Levelling Up funding from UK Government. You can see more information on how things are going here.
Green Infrastructure Mapping Pilot Project
Green Infrastructure Mapping Pilot Project: a citizen science approach to creating a vision for Edinburgh’s green spaces
New science in Hailes Quarry Park, Wester Hailes
New project "How Biodiverse is Your Park?" recently gave local people the opportunity to find, photograph and identify plants and animals in Hailes Quarry Park, Wester Hailes.
Greenspaces strategy to 2050
We recently consulted on a draft Greenspaces Vision and Strategy for Edinburgh to 2050. You can click through to read here. The consultation ran from 4 October 2022 until 31 December 2022.
Postcards from the future
Time travellers visited the Edinburgh of 2050 and sent postcards from the future back to the year 2021 describing how our parks and greenspaces had changed.
Mowing grass - from Bite to Byte
Mowing grass - from Bite to Byte by David Jamieson Parks, Greenspace & Cemeteries Manager, City of Edinburgh Council