Inverleith Park Revitalisation

Inverleith Park Revitalisation: A Model for Urban Green Spaces

We are reimagining urban green spaces to address current and future challenges.

Inverleith Park is undergoing a transformative journey to elevate this cherished park into a vibrant hub of community, connectivity, and sustainability.

The Thriving Green Spaces Team is currently working with local and national partners on a Sustrans' 'Places for Everyone' funding bid to enhance the park blue-green infrastructures. As a key site in Edinburgh's Green Blue Network, Inverleith Park is at the forefront of integrating nature-based solutions that foster environmental, social, and economic benefits.

The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) has identified potential surface water flood risks in and around Inverleith Park, particularly in the lower southern areas. Our project aims to mitigate these risks by implementing cutting-edge solutions, such as biodiverse swales, rain gardens, and multifunctional basins. These features will not only manage surface water but also enrich the park’s biodiversity.

This project will focus on:

  • Improving Access: Enhancing access points from Carrington and Arboretum Roads.
  • Active Travel: Creating cycle and pedestrian-friendly routes to promote active travel.
  • Park Lighting: Upgrading park lighting to make Inverleith Park safer and more welcoming for all.
  • Revitalising the Ferranti Building: Maintaining and enhancing this community space to preserve its spirit and utility.

We are eager to hear from community members and local leaders on how we can further regenerate this beloved park. Join us in bringing this vision to life and making Inverleith Park a beacon of urban transformation.

Please contact our team at to share your vision, ideas, and projects for revitalizing Inverleith Park.

The Inverleith Park project is part of the Climate Ready Craigleith Project led by The City of Edinburgh Council in collaboration with Scottish Water, Places for Everyone, Scottish Government.


For more information explore the following resources:

  • Edinburgh's Green Blue Network: Learn about the broader context and initiatives aimed at integrating water management and green infrastructure in Edinburgh.

  • Climate Ready Craigleith Project: Discover the goals and strategies of the Climate Ready Craigleith Project within the Draft Climate Ready Edinburgh Plan 2024-2030. This plan outlines the city's vision for enhancing resilience to climate change through innovative projects like this one.



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