Leith Links

Leith is a densely populated area of Edinburgh which used to be predominantly deprived, but has economically developed a lot in the last 30 years including from creative industries, hospitality and tourism. Despite these advancements, Leith Links remains within 20 minutes of some of Edinburgh’s most deprived areas, presenting an opportunity to benefit those communities. With ongoing housing developments, adapting this greenspace to support a growing, vibrant community is essential.

Leith Links, a large and historic area designated as a Premier Park, received a low score (62%) in Edinburgh’s 2021 Park Quality Assessments.

In collaboration with Atkins Landscape Architects, a working group was formed comprising members of the Leith Links Community Council, local groups, and park users. In November 2021, the group identified potential enhancements such as a community activity park and the reintroduction of a bandstand/event space, resulting in a concept masterplan. This masterplan, approved by the group, underwent a period of community consultation which has now concluded.

For more details on the consultation process and outcomes, please visit Leith Links Activity Hub Consultation.

It’s important to note that this masterplan represents a vision for Leith Links as desired by the local community and is subject to funding for implementation.