Prestonfield bowling green

Prestonfield Bowling Green Opportunities

Clubhouse and portakabin

The City of Edinburgh Council commissioned Edinburgh & Lothian Greenspace Trust to consult with the community of Prestonfield on future potential uses of Prestonfield Bowling Green, which has been unused since 2020. Below you can find information provided by ELGT on the consultation and its major findings. 

Here you can download the full community consultation report

The consultation found the most popular options for the redevelopment of the bowling green were a place to grow fresh food and plants, to engage with nature, and to relax such as a wildlife and sensory garden. While there were positive attitudes towards allotments, it was clear that there were concerns that gated and allocated plots would not be an inclusive or beneficial for the whole community. A community garden that includes all of these aspects could be developed in collaboration with the community. Passing through the park could be enhanced by connecting the bowling green to the wider park and the inclusion of social areas with benches and places to rest and converse.

Fixed Structures

There are a number of fixed structures on the bowling green site;
  • A perimeter fence with two gates on the north-west side of the green
  • A clubhouse with storage and kitchen areas –including utilities (TBC)
  • A Portakabin, a steel storage container and a smaller metal container (possibly for lawnmower)
The design for the bowling green space could incorporate these, or if space is needed have the container and Portakabin removed. The design will introduce new fixed structures such as raised beds, seating, a covered area e.g. pergola and accessible path.
access map

Access is via two gates in the perimeter fence (1 & 2), to the pathway that runs between Cameron House and the bowling green, located at the southeast corner and mid-way along the north east edge of the plot. The gates are locked. Relocating an entrance to the north east corner (3), closest to Cameron House could increase footfall and provide a suitable location for welcome feature. Adding further entrance(s) on the south east side of the plot (3) would increase connection to Prestonfield Park. The north east side of the plot has a rough tarmac surface running its length with clubhouse and outbuildings.

The community consultation showed support for:

  • New growing areas, which should include raised beds and accessible raised beds 
  • Both edible and non-edible planting
  • Seating and sheltered area for a range of users and purposes
  • Areas to engage with nature
  • Areas to relax, e.g. a sensory garden
  • Accessible paths
  • New planting, such as vegetables and herbs, orchard trees and soft fruit bushes, and sensory planting. 
  • Sports and recreation facilities such as pétanque.